Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), delivered a speech at the meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of the Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC). Lagarde began by honoring the memory of President David Sassoli and highlighting his commitment to Europe. She then discussed the progress made in the past 20 years since the introduction of the euro currency, despite facing various crises. Lagarde emphasized the need to retain unity and direction as Europe moves into the next phase after the COVID-19 pandemic. She identified three key directions for progress: providing stability, strengthening supply, and ensuring strategic autonomy. Lagarde highlighted the ECB’s role in stabilizing the economy during the pandemic and its commitment to price stability. She also emphasized the importance of strengthening the supply side of the economy, particularly in the context of the green transition and digital revolution. Lagarde called for investment in renewable energy and the development of a robust EU financial sector. Lastly, she discussed the need for Europe to enhance its strategic autonomy in the digital realm and mentioned the ECB’s work on the digital euro project. Lagarde concluded by emphasizing the importance of acting together and making decisions that will allow Europe to master future challenges. She expressed her willingness to further discuss these matters with parliamentarians and highlighted their essential role in this endeavor.